51 research outputs found

    Групповой состав дизельного топлива, как фактор определяющий эффективность действия депрессорных присадок

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    In this paper, we present a content-based image retrieval system designed to retrieve mammographies from large medical image database. The system is developed based on breast density, according to the four categories defined by the American College of Radiology, and is integrated to the database of the Image Retrieval in Medical Applications (IRMA) project, that provides images with classification ground truth. Two-dimensional principal component analysis is used in breast density texture characterization, in order to effectively represent texture and allow for dimensionality reduction. A support vector machine is used to perform the retrieval process. Average precision rates are in the range from 83% to 97% considering a data set of 5024 images. The results indicate the potential of the system as the first stage of a computer-aided diagnosis framework

    Data acquisition system for a field of wind turbine testing.

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    0 projeto da automação da aquisição de dados de experimentos e equipamentos e um tópico que tem recebido atenção considerável atualmente e muitos sistemas de aquisição de dados tem sido desenvolvidos com base em microprocessadores. 0 objetivo deste trabalho e descrever o projeto-de um sistema de aquisição de dados baseado em microprocessador ,dedicado e modular. A modularidade aplica-se tanto ao "hardware" quanto ao "software" e permite que modificações no sistema proposto, que se façam necessárias, sejam realizadas sem maiores problemas. 0 projeto da unidade de controle do sistema foi baseado no microprocessador MC6800 da MOTOROLA. 0 referido sistema de aquisição de dados foi desenvolvido para ser aplicado no campo de testes de turbinas eólicas do Núcleo de Energia Eólica do Centro de Ciências e Tecnologia da UFPb, Campus de Campina Grande. Este sistema tem como finalidades coletar e processar parâmetros sinóticos, elétricos e mecânicos, imprimir relatórios técnicos com os resultados dos testes e armazenar dados num meio de armazenamento de massa.The design of data acquisition automation of experiments and equipment and a topic that has received considerable attention these days and many data acquisition systems have been developed based on microprocessors. The purpose of this paper is to describe the design of a dedicated, modular microprocessor-based data acquisition system. Modularity applies to both the hardware and the software and allows modifications to the proposed system to be made without major problems. The design of the system control unit was based on the MOTOROLA MC6800 microprocessor. The said data acquisition system was developed to be applied in the field of tests of wind turbines of the Nucleus of Wind Energy of the Center of Sciences and Technology of the UFPb, Campina Grande Campus. This system aims to collect and process synoptic, electrical and mechanical parameters, print technical reports with test results and store data on a mass storage medium


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    using topographic distanc

    1D Component tree in linear time and space and its application to gray-level image multithresholding

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    The upper-weighted sets of a signal are the sets of points with weight above a given threshold. The components of the upper-weighted sets, thanks to the inclusion relation, can be organized in a tree structure, which is called the component tree. In this work, we present a linear time and space algorithm to compute the component tree of one-dimensional signals. From this algorithm we derive an efficient gray-level image multithresholding method, which is based on the hypothesis that objects which appear on an image can be represented by salient classes present in the histogram of this image. These classes are modelled as the most significative components of the histogram's component tree. We show results of the proposed method and compare it with classical methods.Pages: 437-44

    Efeitos Visuais, uma Abordagem a Partir do Processamento Digital de Imagens

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    Esse artigo introduz os conceitos mais importantes de imagemdigital e discute como eles são utilizados para se realizar efeitos visuais, e, ao mesmo tempo, fornece um painel das diversas técnicas de computação gráfica e de processamento de imagem para o cinema e o vídeo. A produção de efeitos visuais usa intensivamente a modelagem geométrica, a visualização computacional, o processamento digital de imagens e, mais recentemente, a visão computacional. O texto está dividido em cinco seções. Após a introdução, é abordada a evolução das diversas técnicas com trucagem óptica. Em seguida, é apresentada a imagem digital, tanto na sua transformação, quando capturada em película , como nos formatos originalmente digitais, os conceitos de compressão e de descrição da imagem e os resultados possíveis com os diversos formatos. Na quarta seção são discutidas algumas técnicas de efeitos visuais digitais, como a correção de cor, o rastreamento de imagem e a captura de movimentos, assim como os hardwares e softwares disponíveis e os conceitos utilizadosneles. São apresentados também efeitos visuais realizados na TV Globo por um dos autores, em cada etapa de sua produção. Na última seção são discutidas as perspectivas de pesquisa acadêmica e em produções de menor porte

    1D Component tree in linear time and space and its application to gray-level image multithresholding

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    The upper-weighted sets of a signal are the sets of points with weight above a given threshold. The components of the upper-weighted sets, thanks to the inclusion relation, can be organized in a tree structure, which is called the component tree. In this work, we present a linear time and space algorithm to compute the component tree of one-dimensional signals. From this algorithm we derive an efficient gray-level image multithresholding method, which is based on the hypothesis that objects which appear on an image can be represented by salient classes present in the histogram of this image. These classes are modelled as the most significative components of the histogram's component tree. We show results of the proposed method and compare it with classical methods

    Lacunarity as a Texture Measure for Address Block Segmentation

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    Abstract. In this paper, an approach based on lacunarity to locate address blocks in postal envelopes is proposed. After computing the lacunarity of a postal envelope image, a non-linear transformation is applied on it. A thresholding technique is then used to generate evidences. Finally, a region growing is applied to reconstruct semantic objects like stamps, postmarks, and address blocks. Very little a priori knowledge of the envelope images is required. By using the lacunarity for several ranges of neighbor window sizes r onto 200 postal envelope images, the proposed approach reached a success rate over than 97 % on average.